Harold and Maude (2023)

Harold and Maude

Dark Comedy

This is a stage adaptation of the movie about the suicidal 19 year old boy who finally learns how to truly live when he meets that delightfully wacky octogenarian, Maude. Harold is the proverbial poor little rich kid. His alienation has caused him to attempt suicide several times, though these incidents are more cries for attention than actual attempts. His peculiar attachment to Maude, whom he meets at a funeral (a mutual passion) is what saves him and what captivates us. This stage version, a hit in France directed by the internationally renowned Jean Louis Barrault, will certainly delight both aficionados of the film and new comers to the story.


Licensed by: Concord Theatricals
Playwright: Colin Higgins
Director: Bob Merzoian 
Assistant Director: Vince Black 
Producer: Bobby Styles 
Run Dates: January 27, 28, February 3, 4, 10, & 11 (Friday & Saturday evenings)
February 5 (Sunday matinee)
(7 performances)

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