Cookin’ With Gus

Gussie Richardson is a famous food columnist and cookbook author. Her agent comes to tell her she’s been offered her own daily network television show. She wants to do it, but her husband Walter is dead set against it and Gussie discovers she has stage fright and can’t open her mouth in front of a camera.
Cookin’ with Gus brings together four unlikely characters in a stew of hijinks and hilarity. Fun for the performers and a great evening for the audience.
Behold Carmen, the Gypsy, strutting her stuff while hypnotized as a chicken.
Food fight! Food fight! Anyone up for a good old fashioned food fight?
Playwright: Jim Brochu
Director: Mel Gosage
Auditions: Sunday, January 8th and Monday, January 9th at 6:00pm in the lobby.
Run Dates: March 24, 25, 31, April 1, 7 & 8 (Friday & Saturday evenings)
March 26, April 2 & 9 (Sunday matinees)
(9 performances)
Sunday Brunch: April 2 at 12:30pm – Cost is $15.00 per person
Brunch Reservations are required by Wednesday, March 29.
Gussie Richardson – Wendy Plaisted Walter Richardson – Charles Hickinbotham Bernie Luskin – John Olmos Carmen – Kim Day Pre-show: The Barn Theater Junior Company, directed by Dr. Mary Shaw
Lighting and Sound Effects – Mike Proctor Stage Manager – Crissy Bunch Signage – Ali Plaisted